Know Your “Insurrections”!

On this day a year ago – the day after people protested in and around our Nation’s Capitol – I wrote a post titled “Know Your ‘Revolutions’!”, where I pointed out an apparent distinction between protests organized and run by Left-wing, Liberal groups and those run by Right-wing, Conservatives groups.

Today, a day after the first anniversary of “The People’s Capitol Protest“, in the wake of Democrats and Liberal Media outlets calling the protest an “insurrection”, I thought it might be helpful to write about what an “insurrection” actually is.

Here are some helpful definitions to keep in mind as you read through my post:

  • Insurrection. n. The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority.
  • Civil Authority – a person who exercises authority over civilian affairs.
  • Authority – n. One that is invested with the power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge, especially a government or body of government officials.

With those definitions in mind, consider which of these events might be considered an “insurrection”:

“Black Lives Matter”

“Nation’s Capitol”

When: May 26 to August 22, 2020
(88 days)
January 6, 2021
(1 day)
Total events: 8,126 protests & 574 riots 1 protest
Where: 140 Cities, 20 Major Cities across 21 States (mostly Democrat-led) Washintgon, DC (Democrat-led)
Why: To avenge perceived police brutality against a person of color allegedly in the commission of a crime and known to have an extensive criminal record, which resulted in that person’s death. To protest perceived cheating by Democrats during the 2020 Presidential Election which resulted in their candidate winning, and demand a review of the election process and results.
Law Enforcement Response: 17,000 National Guard Troops in 23 States Federal Troops refused.
National Guard not called up.
Routine Capitol Police staff only.
Casualties: 1 Police Officer killed.
35 civilians killed.
60+ Secret Service Agents injured.
2,000+ Law Enforcement Officers injured.
One Death: Black security guard shoots unarmed White woman.
150 Officers injured
Unknown civilian injuries.
Property Damage: $2,000 Million (estimated) $1.5 Million (estimated)
Federal Property Damaged: Wash. DC: White House.
Portland OR: 6 Buildings
Las Vegas NV: 2 Buildings
Los Angeles CA: 2 Buildings
(list may be incomplete)
US Capitol Building vandalized
Monuments Affected: At least 183 Statues & Monuments vandalized or destroyed nationwide. Minor damage to one statue in the Rotunda.
“Mostly Peaceful”: 93% of all BLM protests were peaceful. 99.8% of all Trump rallies were peaceful. (1 out of 408 total live Trump rallies)

Note the last time the United States Capitol Building was “breached” by more than a handful of people was back in 1814, when the British Army invaded the United States to stop its’ expansion to the West and block US trade with France: The British burned out all but one of Washington D.C.’s Federal Buildings.

Note the last time rioters caused up to $2 billion in damages in 140 cities in 23 states, resulting in the death of at least 19 people and injuring over 2,000, was….never: Such destruction was unprecedented in the history of the United States.

And so, in view of the definitions I gave at the top of this article, and a comparison of events, which would you consider to be an “insurrectionary event”?

Thanks for Reading!

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