The New “Elexicon”!

With both the conservative and mainstream press trying to out-report each other with  instances of “voter irregularities” during the recent 2012 Presidential Election, I thought now might be the time for a new lexicon that takes typical and every-growing examples of “voter irregularities” and conveniently expresses each using a single word.

Presenting, the new Election Lexicon… or, as I call it:

The New “Elexicon”
Word State Definition
Bridgeported CT Ballots are photocopied when there aren’t enough.
Cuyahogtied OH Voting machines fail, causing long lines at polls.
Denverted CO Diverting voters to less crowded polling places during periods of heavy voter turnout.
Doralater FL Telling early voters to come back later after they overwhelm a polling location.
Fairfaxified VA Keeping polls open hours after they’re supposed to close.
Hamiltwoed OH Multiple voters cast multiple votes.
Lawrenced MA Passing out absentee ballots and instructing people how to fill it out for your candidate.
Pewaukounted WI Voting machine fails to count a voter’s ballot.
Philadelphiarized PA 100% of the votes in a group of precincts “unexpectedly” go to one candidate
Pueblopposited CO Voting machine switches your vote to the opposite candidate.

Here’s an example of the New Elexicon in use, to show just how convenient it is:

“When our polling place was Cuyahogtied, we Denverted, but began to Bridgeport as soon as we determined Lawrencing was taking place outside. In fact, the waiting line was so long and Pewaukounting so rampant that the Mayor authorized Fairfaxing. Remarkably, almost all of the polling places were Philadelphiarized: We really didn’t even need to Hamiltwo or Pueblopposite!

Have you got another word that would be right at home on this list? If so, let me know!

Thanks for reading!

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4 Responses to The New “Elexicon”!

  1. Iowoe’d = Problems created when a phone app designed to “help” with votes tabulation fails miserably.

  2. The (Deplorable) MUSEman says:

    “Oregone” = Changing a voter registration from “GOP” to “Non-Partisan”, thus denying voting in the GOP Primary.

  3. A reader says:

    “Michidelphia” = One candidate suddenly gets 138,339 votes while their opponent gets none.

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