![]() After seeing all the press on Liberal schools wanting to teach young kids about “White Privilege”, “Gender Fluidity”, the benefits of Socialism, and “Climate Change” I said to myself “Myself, why haven’t Liberals written a new Alphabet Reader?”. After all, it’s got to be a lot easier than Progressives trying to re-write the U.S. Constitution. So I present to you “The Liberal Alphabet Reader”! And here’s hoping the Liberals teach it to our kids
The Liberal Alphabet Reader
(Copyright © 2022 The MUSEman)
Aa is for Activists
…who’ll invade your personal space
Bb is for Black Lives Matter
…which is racist on its’ face.
Cc is for Communism
…where non-conformity is death
Dd is for Democrats
…who say “Democracy!” with every breath.
Ee is for Equity
…because equality isn’t “Fair”
Ff is for Family
…as long as kids’ parents aren’t there.
Gg is for Government
…it’s correct every single time
Hh is for Hillary
…who won’t be punished for any crimes.
Ii is for Illegal
…it’s what Liberals do to win
Jj is for Justice
…where Liberals never pay for their sins.
Kk is for Karens
…fighting against the Nanny State
Ll is for Liberals
…who don’t want America to be Great.
Mm is for Minorities
…who Liberals bribe to their side
Nn is for News
…mostly well-crafted lies.
Oo is for Obama
…the Democrats’ hypocritical god,
Pp is for Progressives
…whose battle cry is “Forward!”
Qq is for Queer
…one of over 80 “different” genders.
Rr is for Reparations
…using money Whites will surrender.
Ss is for Surveillance
…’cuz Democrats don’t like privacy
Tt is for Targeting
…all the ones who don’t agree.
Uu is for Unity
…provided you’re accepted
Vv is for Victory
…over those Liberals have rejected.
Ww is for Wokeness
…just discrimination in disguise
Xx is for X-Ray
…they’re racist?!? Are you surprised?
Yy is for Youth
…whom Liberals want to control
Zz is for Gen Z
…because Progressive utopias discard the old.
I wonder if Doug Ross (@directorblue) used my poem as inspiration for his “A Child’s First Book of Government Regulations – From A to Z“, which he posted on Substack on April 5th, 2024? Unlike my “A-to-Z” version, his doesn’t rhyme but does include some cute photos with Omar, the Obama administration’s official kid’s ambassador, showing kids 26 ways Uncle Sam protects us from ourselves. Let’s just assume he did, to boost my ego
Thanks for Reading!