Question: What shape do you see in this crossword puzzle, published by the New York Times on the first day of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah 2022?
Choose one answer:
A symbol used by Eurasian, Hindu, African, Native American and other cultures to represent divinity, the Sun, spirituality, well-being, and good luck.
A 4-blade wind turbine, whose spinning blades provide a source of “Green Energy” to protect Mother Earth.
A symbol used by a despotic 1930′s German dictator who systematically attempted to exterminate the Jewish population in his quest to establish a New World Order which would last 1,000 years.
Something else.
Click the image to view the correct answer!
(Image Credit: NY Times Crossword Puzzle, as published Dec 18, 2022)
Thanks for Reading! (and, Happy Hanukkah!)