Take the Quiz: “A Sign of The Times”

Question: What shape do you see in this crossword puzzle, published by the New York Times on the first day of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah 2022?

NY Times Crossword Puzzle, 18 Dec 2022

Choose one answer:

  1. A symbol used by Eurasian, Hindu, African, Native American and other cultures to represent divinity, the Sun, spirituality, well-being, and good luck.

  2. A 4-blade wind turbine, whose spinning blades provide a source of “Green Energy” to protect Mother Earth.

  3. A symbol used by a despotic 1930′s German dictator who systematically attempted to exterminate the Jewish population in his quest to establish a New World Order which would last 1,000 years.

  4. Something else.

Click the image to view the correct answer!
(Image Credit: NY Times Crossword Puzzle, as published Dec 18, 2022)

Thanks for Reading! (and, Happy Hanukkah!)

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