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Recently at my local sports bar I and some of my Conservative & Independent colleagues discussed the state of America’s election process and justice system. Topics of conversation included President Trump being prosecuted by a black, female, Progressive Democrat prosecutor in New York who received campaign funding from a known Progressive Billionaire Globalist by promising to “get” Trump if elected, being prosecuted by a black, female, Progressive Democrat prosecutor in Georgia for questioning the results of an election, the possibility of Liberals using Artificial Intelligence to influence the election, and politicians and judges in Democrat-run states like Colorado, Maine, and Illinois banning Trump from their election ballots by claiming he’s an “Insurrectionist” under Clause 3 of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment.
Did You Know?
After the Civil War ended Republicans wanted to make sure former Confederates and their supporters were not discriminated against or sued the United States for damages done to them by a war the Confederates started. More importantly, Republicans didn’t want Confederates to participate in the government of a re-unified United States, fearing they would try to make slavery legal again.
The result was passage of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution in 1868, which
- ensured everyone and their property have due process and equal protection under the law,
- stopped anyone who engaged in “rebellion” or “insurrection” from voting or holding political office, and
- prevented the government from paying individuals for damages caused by rebellion or insurrection.
President Trump has never been charged, indicted, arrested, tried, convicted, or served any prison time for Rebellion, Insurrection, Treason, or Tyranny, and yet is being treated by Democrats and their complicit media as being guilty and thus unable to run for political office.
I suggested to my colleagues it appears Liberals have found a few more ways to ensure every part of the Election Process can be controlled by the Democrats in order to “Defend Democracy!“.
And that got me to thinking about all the many ways Democrats “Defend Democracy!” …so, I made a list.
How Democrats Defend “Democracy!”
- Preemptively accuse your opponent of wrongdoing.
Voters often remember who is the first to accuse, and by accusing your opponent of evils you already do you can always claim “They did it first!”. Accusing them of evils you haven’t even done yet provides you with an even greater advantage. (Psychologists call this tactic “Projection”, a favorite tool of psychopaths.)
- Blame your opponent for causing every problem imaginable.
If people point out that you caused the problem then obviously you forgot to be preemptive: Go back and review Number 1.
- Allow anyone to cross into the United States.
It’s easy! Simply ignore America’s immigration laws, border security, and National Sovereignty and call them “Undocumented Immigrants” instead of “Illegal Aliens” (UPDATE! They’re now referred to as “Newcomers“). Millions of illegal aliens may not be able to vote but they will count in determining the number of Congressional Seats each state will receive after the 2030 Census is finished. And, their underage children – sent or brought across the border by their law-breaking parent(s) or born in the USA of illegal aliens – will eventually be old enough to legally vote (for Democrats who will give them everything while these kids are growing up).
- Promise voters only your candidate can solve every problem society faces.
No matter what the problem is – poverty, health care, inequity, discrimination, racism, sexism, climate change, college debt, gender pronouns, etc. – it’s easily solved simply by spending more taxpayers’ money to give more free stuff to those who vote for your candidate. As former leader Barack Hussein Obama said back in 2010
“We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”
To ensure the continued support of the voters be sure not to actually solve any problem, and instead blame everyone else – especially your opponents – for the lack of an immediate, effective solution (in other words, “Kicking the can down the road”). Remember that corollary of Murphy’s Law: “There are never enough resources to do it right but always enough resources to do it over.”
- Use gullible supporters to your advantage.
One subtle method is by “Astroturfing“: Enlisting your supporters to flood Conservative Radio and social media sites with Liberal talking points (a tactic used very effectively during Obama’s campaigns). Another more direct method is “Confrontation”, where gullible supporters are encouraged to protest, harass, and threaten opponents and their supporters. And the most direct method is “Protest”: Provide the catalyst for radicals to gather in large groups to disrupt, attack, vandalize, loot, and destroy their opponents, their property, and sometimes their life.
Added Bonus! With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence algorithms combined with Liberal Social Media firms it may not be necessary to rely on hiring actual human beings to sway the voters – just get more computers! When voters demand these groups (or computers) for hire stop doing this remember to use Ways (2) and (3) to gain the voters’ support.
- Dig up dirt on your opponent.
This can be used for blackmail behind the scenes and/or broadcast to easily-swayed voters to weaken your opponents’ campaign. And the dirtier the dirt the better.
- Create a fake scandal about your opponent.
Having dirt on your opponent is good, but making up dirt is even better, and making up sensational dirt is the best. It’s all much easier to do and more potentially devastating to your opponent if you have the support of the Media and various government agencies. And don’t forget, the best time to announce any scandal, whether it be fake or real, is right before voting starts (See: Way (19), “October Surprise“)
- Claim any criticism, allegation, or attack on your candidate is unfair or false.
Why? Because your opponent is “Evil” while yours is “For the People!”. As Saul Alinsky, a totalitarian Marxist Activist and mentor to Hillary Clinton, wrote in his 1971 book “Rules for Radicals“:
“[G]oals must be phrased in general terms like ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,’ ‘Of the Common Welfare,’ ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ or ‘Bread and Peace.’ ”
- Disguise potentially illegal donations to a specific candidate.
A convenient way to do this is by using the same home address for multiple people, or making a contribution using someone else’s address: The people can be real or imaginary, and could be unaware or aware of what’s happening. Another very effective method is to automatically extract Union Dues from workers required to join a Union and then have Union Management donate millions from those dues to a newly-formed Political Action Committee (PAC) with the understanding it will be spent on a specific candidate. Or, if you’re too rich to be a Union worker simply make a huge donation to your local political party, have them send the money to the national committee, and let the national committee “redistribute” millions to their preferred candidate (FYI: Here’s how it was done for Hillary Clinton back in 2016). These tactics, and more, allow someone to donate far more money than the legal limit to a preferred candidate.
- Donate money to an opponent’s weaker opponent.
This sounds confusing so let’s start with an example: Democrats are afraid Joe Biden will lose to Conservative Donald J. Trump in the 2024 Presidential Election, so rich Democrats donated to Trump’s opponent Nicki Haley. Why? Because it helps undermine Trump’s campaign, and if Haley does win the Republican nomination she’ll be easier for Democrats to defeat in November… or, be easier for Democrats to control should she become president. In the age of Dark Money – which Democrats complained about and then used to win the 2020 Election – it’s easier to fund the campaign of an opponent during the primaries to help them win, then fund your own candidate during the General Election to defeat that same opponent. The opponent can even be within your own party if the popular candidate won’t support your party’s agenda.
- Infiltrate groups who support your opponent and destroy them from within.
While a group of ancient Greeks hid inside a large Trojan Horse to enter and destroy the city of Troy, nothing that dramatic needs to be done to infiltrate and undermine groups who support your opponent: Just dress and behave like one of your opponents’ supporters, gain acceptance by the group, and then destroy them from within. This tactic can be used at any time, and is even more effective if you already have control or support of various government agencies. One could argue an excellent example of this today might be China’s infiltration of the Democrat Party.
- Destroy from without any group you can’t destroy from within.
Sometimes groups who oppose you are smart enough to see you’re trying to join them to destroy them. In that case the best method is the direct method: Use protesters to block an opponent’s campaign offices, doxx opponents and their organizations, assassinate their character using social media, harass their friends and family, etc. If none of that is effective there’s always the most direct method: Accidentally causing an “Accident” which destroys your opponent or their resources. Just ask people like Andrew Breitbart, Seth Rich, John Ashe, or the owners of the Conservative Think Tanks Center of the American Experiment, the Upper Midwest Law Center and TakeCharge (whose offices were all destroyed by arsonists).
- Make anyone eligible to vote regardless of their citizen status.
Use various “Get Out The Vote!” and “Voter Registration” schemes, and be sure to shout down your critics with phrases like “One Person, One Vote!”. In true Saul Alinsky style here’s a handy list of “Democracy” slogans and catchphrases you can use to advance your goal.
- Reject all efforts to ensure each eligible person only votes once
In other countries an eligible voter’s finger is marked with indelible ink after they vote. Rejecting this and other measures to protect voting integrity may seem at odds with “One Person, One Vote!” but that slogan only requires that the number of votes equals the number of voters, not that each vote is tied to a specific person. Besides, a little bit of Voter Fraud is a small price to pay to ensure all potential votes were cast…and, to ensure they were cast for YOUR candidate. Isn’t that what “Democracy” is all about?
- Refuse any efforts to clean up voter rolls.
Every year potential voters die, change their address, share an address or name with another person, or are ineligible for some reason and should be removed from the eligible voter rolls. But why spend all that time and effort to remove potentially thousands of ineligible voters and risk the chance that one person’s Right to Vote is denied? Remember that old proverb “For the Want of a Nail a Kingdom was Lost”? The last thing you want to do is to get rid of any nails (votes) which might cause you to lose your Kingdom (the election). And, we all know dead people make the best voters as they’re easy to persuade and won’t complain.
- Send paper ballots to everyone who’s over 18 and in some government database.
If a name and address is in a voter roll, census list, campus directory, taxpayer list, drivers’ license, etc. then mail them a ballot! Oppose efforts to send a ballot out only to those who formally request one. Remember: “One Person, One Vote!”
- Canvas highly-populated areas and collect paper ballots.
Why have each person mail in or personally deliver their ballot when it’s so much easier (and Green!) to have, say, 2,000 people each collect thousands of ballots? And, it gives them a chance to subvert, change, deface, or lose votes, or insert fake votes prior to delivering them to the polling place. In our legal system it’s important to make sure every piece of evidence came from an independent, reliable and verifiable source, that the integrity of the evidence wasn’t compromised on its’ way from the source to the court, and that each step in preserving the integrity of the evidence is well-documented. The legal system calls this process “Chain of Custody“, and it helps ensure any court’s decision is based on actual facts. “Chain of Custody” is also part of our election process, so if you want your candidate to win it’s best to consider what Soviet Leader Josef Stalin’s personal Secretary Boris Bazhanov wrote in 1930:
“I regard it as completely unimportant who in the party will vote and how, but it is extremely important who will count the votes and how.”
- “Help” the elderly, mentally-challenged, poor, or dead people vote.
So what if filling out, signing, or delivering someone else’s ballot is Voter Fraud? Only an uncaring, heartless person would deny these people the right to vote, even if they’re dead… that is, an uncaring, heartless person who didn’t want their own candidate to win. It’s a Win-Win-WIN for everyone!
- Launch an “October Surprise“.
A classic tactic used by Democrats since at least 1840, it’s a last-minute accusation which can’t be verified as true or false prior to election day, and is reported by your complicit liberal media all day, every day right up to and through the election.
Added bonus! If your candidate loses, continue using this tactic to attack your opponent while they’re in office…and even after they leave.
- Use early voting to capture votes for your candidate.
Best to get those votes before any of your candidate’s disadvantages, weaknesses and scandals are made public. For best effect make sure to launch your “October Surprise” against your opponent(s) right before early voting starts, to take away as many votes from your opponent as possible. This tactic will make your opponent’s “October Surprise” against you less effective as the votes will already have been cast.
- Use a variety of tactics at the polls to “revise” the vote count in your favor.
Do everything possible to subvert the vote, miscount votes, add illegal votes, and undermine verification of individual votes and vote totals. Carpenters like to say “Measure twice, cut once.”: That works well in construction, but accurate counting of legitimate votes may not help your candidate win, so unlike a carpenter it’s best to “Cut corners“.
- Challenge the result of every election you’ve lost.
Challenges can be done through the Media, public demonstrations (See: “Gullible supporters“, above), the Court of Public Opinion, and if all else fails even the legal system. It’s a strategy used by Democrats since America declared independence in 1776, and in nearly every Presidential Election since 2000.
- Prevent the winning opponent from taking office
If none of the challenges work simply hold the election certification process hostage until you get what you want. If you don’t get what you want you can at least start the process of crippling your opponent’s ability to do their job once they take office (a process which continues using ways 24 and 26).
- Refuse to cooperate at all with your winning opponent.
For maximum effectiveness use this tactic at every possible opportunity no matter how insignificant. For example, if they say “The sky is blue.” tell them “How dare you elevate one color above all the other colors! Obviously you’re a discriminatory, racist, sexist, non-inclusive, transphobic, unvaccinated, climate-change denying, gun-carrying, Bible-thumping bigot who doesn’t Trust the Science!” See how easy that is?
- Constantly claim any action by your opponent is inherently bad.
No matter what your opponent says or does accuse it of being discriminatory, sexist, racist, non-inclusive, harmful, dangerous, life-threatening, or potentially world-ending. This tactic works best during the election process but can be used anytime, especially when you’re refusing to cooperate with them. And, unlike Tactic 2, where you blame your opponent for every problem, this tactic now blames your opponent for any actions they may take to solve the problems they didn’t create.
- File numerous lawsuits to distract or stop your opponent from their elected duties.
There’s even a name for this recent Democrat tactic: “Lawfare“. These lawsuits – almost always frivolous – can also be directed at your opponent’s staff or staff supporters. Don’t forget, it doesn’t matter if you win a lawsuit because The Process is the Punishment: A court action can be dragged out for years, costing your opponent time, money, and effectiveness.
Added bonus! If your barrage of lawsuits are successful in stopping them from performing their job you can file another lawsuit to get them fired: It would be like icing on the cake!
- Use every means necessary to remove your opponent from office.
Typical means include rumor, scandal, censure, expulsion, impeachment, etc. Even if you can’t remove them it will make their job and life difficult. Should people complain remind them you are “Defending Democracy!”, “Fighting to protect your rights!”, or some other well-worn trope.
- Once in power use the least amount of actual Democracy as possible when making laws.
Use Nonbinding Referendums, Voice Votes, Extreme Cases, Rare Events, Executive Orders, Existential Crises, False Flags, Emergency Powers, etc. rather than having legislation wind its’ way through the legal process established by America’s Founding Fathers: After all, you know what’s best for your voters because they elected you so you’ve got a mandate!
A classic example of this is the Supreme Court’s 1973 decision on Roe v. Wade, which ruled abortion must be legal in all 50 states: How many people voted for it? Five (the vote was 7-2 in favor). Compare this to the Supreme Court’s decision reaffirming George W. Bush’s 2000 Presidential Election win: How many people voted for it? Also five. Democrats applauded the Roe v. Wade ruling as a “landmark decision” but claimed the Bush ruling “stole” the election. Now THAT’S how Democrats do “Democracy!”
- Prevent The People from actually practicing Democracy.
Nearly half of America’s states allow voters to propose legislation directly to their government by filing a Referendum or Initiative. To get on a ballot each filing requires a minimum number of signatures, with an Initiative requiring twice as many as a Referendum. When confronted with a Referendum submitted democratically by The People, legislators can make the proposed legislation onerous and adding an “Emergency” clause: This removes the Referendum option and force the people to file an Initiative, making it more difficult for Citizens to practice “Democracy!”.
- Arrest and prosecute your opponents.
Using (or, abusing) the legal system to arrest opponents prevents others from considering the job, undermines the power of the office should they win, and helps turn the job into a sinecure. And you only have to arrest your most dangerous opponent: As the old saying goes “Shoot one, train a thousand”. If the legal system moves too slowly for your liking your opponents can always “commit suicide” or suffer an “tragic accident“.
- Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to sway the election.
In 2016 Democrats warned that the Russian could interfere with the election. In 2020 Democrats warned of possible voter suppression or illegal voting. And now, in 2023, Democrats warn of AI being used to interfere with the 2024 election. Fortunately, social media and technology giants have pledged to detect and eliminate “deceptive” Artificial Intelligence. As most of those firms – Microsoft, Meta, Google, Amazon, OpenAI and TikTok – support Democrats they’ll be no reason to suspect their definition of “deceptive” will be anything but fair. But does anybody want to guess what the Democrats will say if they lose?
I’m sure there are plenty of other ways Democrats support “Democracy!’, but my favorite hockey team was playing on the TV and Customers were calling for the bartender (who must have liked our conversation as they provided my drinks for free! )
Thanks for Reading!