Recently I saw this editorial image posted on LinkedIn and wanted to add a thoughtful, well-considered comment about how it embodied “The Hypocrisy of the Liberal“.
Unfortunately, only people in the poster’s list of contacts could comment on it… which means I couldn’t tell the poster how limiting comments to only those people who share your views might create a self-reinforcing echo chamber.
And so I’ll post my reply here:
I don’t have a problem with People of Color…
…I have a problem with being “forced to accept” People of Color who practice Reverse Discrimination under the accusation of “White Privilege“, demanding to be paid “reparations” for injustices done to their long-dead ancestors by equally-long-dead racists.
I don’t have a problem with Homosexual Marriage…
…I have a problem with being “forced to accept” Homosexuals demanding their marriage be blessed and consecrated by religions which define marriage as between a Man and a Woman with the intent of raising children in a family guided by God’s laws.
I don’t have a problem with Transsexuals…
…I have a problem with being “forced to accept” Transsexuals indoctrinating impressionable children under the guise of fixing “gender dysphoria“, and demanding their transition – and, perhaps, any resulting future physical and mental complications – be paid for by taxpayers.
I don’t have a problem with Immigrants…
…I have a problem with being “forced to accept” millions of illegal aliens who circumvent our legal system, burden our social services, depress wages of the Working Class, and in some cases repeatedly commit heinous crimes against innocent citizens without fear of prosecution.
I don’t have a problem with Women of any race…
…I have a problem with being “forced to accept” that the accomplishments, rights, and freedoms of Woman of any race must be systematically subjugated and destroyed by underaccomplishing biological males who “feel” they are a woman and demand to compete with Women on “equal” terms.
I’m not making anyone’s life “harder” because of my “feelings”…
…you are by using “feelings” to demand laws be dictated by Executive Order, applied to your advantage, or ignored completely.
I’m not turning your daily lives into a “battleground”..
…you are by believing you are a victim of everyone and everything except yourself.
I’m not “terrorizing” people…
…you are:
(2018) “15 Stars Who Imagined Violence Against Donald Trump…”
(2018) “Undeniable Hate: Reporter Lists 573 Attacks by Leftists Against Conservatives Since 2016“
(2020) The “mostly peaceful” Antifa / BLM riots over 88 days in 2020 caused up to $2 billion in damages in 140 cities in 23 states, resulting in the death of at least 19 people and injuring over 2,000: The worst targeted destruction in US history.
(2022) Leftists protest in front of the homes of Supreme Court Justices Bret Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas: “The time for civility is over, man. Being polite doesn’t get you anywhere.”
(2023) The mass murderers in Colorado Springs, Denver, Aberdeen Maryland, and Nashville self-identified as non-binary or transsexual. “One thing is VERY clear: the modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists.” - Benny Johnson, via Twitter, March 27, 2023.
(2023) “We’re not going back [to the days before the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade ruling], I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back….It’s the truth, it is the truth. We’re gonna fight….I’ve thought of murder.” – “Hanoi Jane” Fonda, presumably talking about murdering pro-life politicians, March 10, 2023.And these are only some examples.
“You liberals are going to have to understand something: I’m not the one that wants to put limits on anybody. You people are.”
- Rush Limbaugh, Conservative talk radio host and entrepreneur.
Thanks for Reading!