Unlike other websites who compile and publish memes created by other people in order to drive traffic add a touch of humor to their site I create almost all the memes I publish and only occasionally publish a meme from someone else.
Once again this is your lucky day! Click any meme below to see a much larger version appear in a new window.
Note: Copyright is claimed on all content I’ve created and not otherwise covered by any third party. You can copy and republish any image but you can’t sell it, can’t modify my website link or logo on the image, and must include attribution.
FYI: “California reparations committee demands state apologize for Reagan using term ‘welfare queen’ “, Fox News, May 10, 2023. There are no Caucasians on the 9-member Task Force (8 blacks and 1 Asian).
FYI: Seems obvious to me also.
FYI: “Masterful” only in the sense CNN revisited every major negative accusation – most of them false or baseless – levied against Trump during his Presidency. Read the entire transcript of CNN’s Town Hall with President Trump by clicking here.
FYI: The photo shows Flavio Briatore, Italian business tycoon and former Renault Formula 1 Manager, kissing his now ex-wife Elisabetta Gregoraci, former TV personality and WonderBra model. It’s a meme I didn’t create but do appreciate.
FYI: What’s that old saying? ““There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” A meme I wanted to create but someone beat me to it.
FYI: Under Joe Biden just about everything has gotten worse for America and Americans. Check out The Biden Inflation Tracker to see more bad news (but hey, no more bad tweets!)
FYI: Speaking of President Donald Trump, he’s the overwhelming favorite among possible GOP candidates and leads Joe Biden in a hypothetical presidential matchup. Of course this will probably change as soon as Democrats figure out a way to use Artificial Intelligence to “sway” the election
FYI: Larvae and pupae are the babies and children of bugs… Doesn’t that make you real hungry now?
FYI: Thanks to Joe Biden, as of October 2022 over 5,500,000 illegal aliens have entered the United States through Mexico, and Biden spends about $6,000,000 a day to stop the border wall from being finished.
FYI: Joe Biden set a modern record for the number of Executive Orders signed during a President’s first week in office. That’s not “Democracy, that’s “Dictatorship”.
Thanks for Reading!