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It should be no surprise to anyone (except for maybe cloistered monks and/or preppers off the grid and hunkered down awaiting armageddon) Liberals have been putting President Donald J. Trump through the process since he announced his presidential campaign in 2015: First by his political opponents during his campaign, then by the liberal media, and most recently by Democrat-controlled federal and state judicial systems. It’s seems right from the lawfare directed against former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, but on steroids.
Sounds like the perfect time to publish another installment of Memeories… Enjoy!
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That laptop containing “Russian disinformation” and abandoned at a computer repair shop, a laptop which didn’t belong to the president’s womanizing, boozing, drug-addicted, illegal-gun-owning son engaged in influence peddling and questionable business dealings with China and the Ukraine, then later might belong to him sure did turn out to be both absolutely authentic and Hunter Biden’s: In fact so authentic the FBI knew it was before the 2020 Election and Joe Biden’s now circling the wagons to protect himself by making sure Hunter Biden’s “Just Us” is quick, quiet, and quashed. Hunter’s “Just Us” will be delivered by his father Joe Biden, Joe’s failed Supreme Court nominee and now Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Attorney David Weiss, selected by Garland to prosecute Hunter after failing to get a “Sweetheart Plea Deal” which would absolve Hunter of all his previous known and unknown criminal acts.
Back in the day Donald J. Trump owned four casinos in Atlantic City, NJ: The Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza, Trump Marina, and Trump World (and also the Steel Pier). While the New Jersey Attorney General Office Division of Gaming Enforcement made sure none of his casinos used stacked decks there’s no one protecting him from facing one in his upcoming “J6 Insurrection” trial.
FYI: Here’s a simple test: Use a search engine (like DuckDuckGoor Brave Search) and search the phrase “2020 election most secure”. You’ll discover everyone was claiming how secure the election was:
• The Liberal Media who wanted Democrats to win,
• Democrats who wanted Biden to win,
• The Bidens who wanted Biden to win,
• the government council whose jobs depended on ensuring security,
• China who wanted a return on their investment in the Bidens,
• even RINOs who wanted Trump to lose.
Now search the phrase “2020 election integrity” to discover nobody was claiming the election was honest: The only people fighting to discover if the elections were honest was the only man whose tremendous list of accomplishments proved he was working to make America great, and the people who support him. And, of course, the winners – Democrats – are now punishing them for it.
Anyone remember when Eric Holder, Barack Obama’s Attorney General, was held in contempt of the Congress for refusing to appear before them and explain why he sent 2,000 guns to Mexican drug lords in Operation “Fast and Furious“? He ignored their subpoena for seven years, until making a deal with Congressional democrats in 2019. President Trump, on the other hand, has appeared in court every time he’s been asked – but now, apparently, a partisan prosecutor and an Obama-appointed judge agreed Trump is a “flight risk“.
No further editorial comment required here.
The press has called Trump “too lazy” to be president, Nancy Pelosi claimed he was “morbidly obese“, and even a theoretical physics model concluded Trump “isn’t smart enough” to comprehend a complex world. Well, then, we need to thank our lucky stars we have Biden, who isn’t fat, lazy, or stupid.
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