It’s Memeory Time for a Monday Mourning

If you want to skip my editorial introduction and
go straight to the memes then Click here

The invasion of Israel and atrocities on innocent Israeli civilians by the radical Islamic terrorist group Hamas, and the resulting war their terror created made me mourn for victims who simply wanted to live their lives in peace and had me thinking about these quotes:
“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”
Blaise Pascal, French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer, and Christian philosopher (1623–1662)

“If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are forever praying for evil against one another.”
Epicurus, Greek Philosopher (341–270 BC)

Rather than looking at the sky and asking God “Why?” I got so involved creating my newest piece of interactive entertainment – “Whack-a-Jihadist!” – that I didn’t have enough time to create my usual amount of snarky-yet-curiously-accurate memes. So, enjoy this “Lite” list of my memeories which include a few more creative memes ‘borrowed” from other authors…and, perhaps (but probably not), less of my editorial comments ;-) Enjoy!

Unlike other websites who compile and publish memes created by other people in order to drive traffic add a touch of humor to their site I create almost all the memes I publish and only occasionally publish a meme from someone else. Note: Copyright is claimed on all content I’ve created and not otherwise covered by any third party. You can copy and republish any image but you can’t sell it, can’t modify my website link or logo on the image, and must include attribution.

Click any meme below to see a much larger version appear in a new window.

This bumper sticker is as relevant today as it was when I created it back in 2014 (along with some other bumper stickers) when Barack Obama transformed warfare into a combination of diplomacy that destabilized, raids by elite US commando teams, and increasing enemy death counts using drones instead of troops.

Bidenomics: Works as well as an empty Drive-in Theater!

I enjoy flea markets, and recently revisited one in Connecticut which happens every Sunday year-round at the Mansfield Drive-In Theater near Willimantic, CT. I’m not sure if under Bidenomics we’ll see more flea markets as people sell their possessions just to survive, or less flea markets as Globalists force ordinary people to be happy with less and less.

Harvard supports Palestine by converting to a mosque!

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Founder of the Soviet Union

“Education is a weapon, whose effect depends on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
Joseph Stalin, Leader of the Soviet Union

“Primary schools should foster love and right understanding for the Party, country and Socialism in students.”
National Textbook Committee, Communist Party of China, 2021

“The active function of knowledge manifests itself…in the leap from rational knowledge to revolutionary practice.”
Mao Zedong, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party

“Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state. The state will take youth and give to youth its own education and its own upbringing. Your child belongs to us already… what are you?”
Adolf Hitler, former Chancellor of Germany and head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (1938)

“[W]e have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities…We haven’t had a very collective notion of ‘these are our children‘.”
Melissa Harris-Perry, African-American professor and Liberal activist at Wake Forest University.

Socrates talks about Smart, Average, and Stupid people.

This 2300-year-old quote reminds me of what U.S. Navy Admiral Hyman G. Rickover said in 1959: “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” (FYI: Rickover was paraphrasing a quote by Henry Thomas Buckle made in 1901). I didn’t create this meme but it’s still a thoughtful one.

The Three Stooges facepalm about government fraud.

For a bunch of knuckleheads these three guys were both smart and hilariously funny. What’s not funny at all is a government’s ability to waste and misappropriate taxpayer money at every opportunity.

Biden sticks his tongue out at protesting Union workers.

Liberal Democrats are quick to point out that Trump was anti-Union but slow to admit one big thing Trump supported: Free Choice. For example, the right for someone choose Union or non-Union labor, the right for workers to freely choose whether or not to Unionize, a Free Market economy powered by the free choices of businesses and consumers, etc. In this meme Joe Biden rides off in his classic Corvette after using the AFL-CIO for an 87-second speech and photo opportunity before heading off to a political fund raiser. Biden must know his support is just for show, as his policy of forcing “Green Energy” onto America, continuing to rely on China for manufactured goods, and destroying our economy can only result in thousands of additional layoffs in the transportation industry.

Here's how we know the 2020 Election was "fixed".

INumbers and statistics can be a funny things, but if you know what this meme means there’s nothing funny about here. After all, if it can happen in a Democrat Primary run in a Democrat-controlled city in a Democrat-controlled State then why can’t it happen in just enough of them to ensure a Democrat becomes president? It’s a meme I didn’t create but wish I had.

How to become a Victim in Three Easy Steps!

Three generations ago this 3-Step process shown in this meme would have been impossible: Our economy was booming, individuals took personal responsibility, welfare was designed as a bridge between jobs, segregation of non-Caucasians was frowned upon, and discrimination on the basis of Race, Color, Creed, or Religion was illegal. Today, thanks mostly (but not entirely) to Liberal Democrats, our economy is failing, no one takes personal responsibility, welfare has become a lifestyle, non-Caucasians are demanding to be segregated, and people are being discriminated against for being Caucasian, successful, Christian, gun-owning, defending The Constitution, and / or protecting their kid’s education and/or gender. Which makes this meme that I didn’t create more ironic than funny.

What to do about a Trump Supporter?

This meme is both funny and not mine. How do you stop your kid from being a Trump supporter? Simple: Just make them a Victim of the Democrat Party. Nuff ‘cef.

Finally, here’s why my collection of Memeories is small this week: Just click on the image to play my new online game “Whack-a-Jihadist!” – It’s inappropriate, fun, and FREE! Enjoy, and…

Thanks for Reading!

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