It’s Monday Night Memories!

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go straight to the memes then Click here

For you Patriots fans (that includes me, BTW) it’s about time the New England Patriots showed they could play football at the professional level, and almost at a level they used to play back when Robert Kraft, Bill Bellichick, and Tom Brady (GOAT!) brought six championships back to Foxboro Massachusetts. Of course it was only for the first quarter or so, then it became agonizing to watch the Pats come close to giving away a win.

Whether or not your a Pats fan, here are a few memeories to enjoy when you’re not engaged in post-game quarterbacking.

Unlike other websites who compile and publish memes created by other people in order to drive traffic add a touch of humor to their site I create almost all the memes I publish and only occasionally publish a meme from someone else. Note: Copyright is claimed on all content I’ve created and not otherwise covered by any third party. You can copy and republish any image but you can’t sell it, can’t modify my website link or logo on the image, and must include attribution.

Click any meme below to see a much larger version appear in a new window.

Caramel Apple contains an unwelcome surprise!

Back when I was a kid whenever I got fruit as a Halloween treat while making my neighborhood rounds dressed as a cowboy (with real cap guns!), superhero (“Captain Quazar!“), or an old man (a big hit at the local Elderly Home) my Mom would always inspect it for foreign objects. While she may have appreciated the contents of this apple I suspect she still wouldn’t have let me keep it. (BTW: What’s “Reductionism”? Click here for a simple explanation.

IDF turns Gaza into solar energy farm!

Here’s an idea that should keep the heads of “Green Energy” supporters and environmental terrorists spinning fast enough to generate more electricity than an underperforming wind turbine farm: They won’t know whether to support Israel for fighting Climate Change or protest against Israel for fighting terrorists who want to destroy them.

Did you know? Roughly speaking, a typical photovoltaic solar collector produces 175 watts (0.175 KW) electricity per square meter per day, and the Gaza Strip has an area of 365,188,324 square meters. This means Gaza could generate 63,907,956,700 watts (or about 63 Gigawatts) of electricity per day, enough to satisfy 2.625 Gigawatt-hours of demand. The entire Middle East uses about 1,135 Gigawatt-hours of electricity per year (or 3.109 GW-hr per day), so a Gaza Solar Farm could provide about 84% of all the Middle East’s electricity. And, who better to transform a hostile, inhuman landscape into a peaceful, productive place than Israelis?

Kevin McCarthy wants his House souvenir!

To become Speaker of the House Republican Representative Kevin McCarthy’s promises included releasing all the files and videos from the January 6th, 2021 Protest, putting a limit on discretionary spending, voting on each appropriations bill separately, and providing 72 hours to review any bill before voting on it…none of which he apparently kept as House Speaker. As a result, one member of the House requested a vote on whether McCarthy should keep his job, and McCarthy was voted out of his job. (Note for all you Liberals: This doesn’t mean the GOP is in “chaos“, it means our government is working the way it’s supposed to work according to the US Constitution).

Why doesn't the Government upvote me?

Having worked with big data and large databases for a good portion of my career I’ve learned a few things: More data is always better than some data, nobody collects a large amount of data without intending to use it, almost all data is used to make money, and Government always uses data to expand itself. I’ve no doubt Uncle Sam is watching and collecting everything they can about me and my blog – I just wish they’d give me one upvote or positive comment…just one.

Easy way to remove a cleft chin is impeachment.

The notorious Chicago Mafia Boss Alfonse “Scarface” Capone was convicted and jailed not for his illegal gambling, prostitution, bootlegging, bribery, narcotics trafficking, robbery, “protection” rackets, and murder but for failing to pay taxes on the money he made from it. Apparently, Joe Biden and his Family have been associated with fraud, prostitution, illegal drugs, extortion,”protection” rackets, and influence peddling…and who knows what else might be revealed? Now, if there were some way to prove tax evasion, fraud, or money laundering

Wait...why is that beer amber colored?

I’m not even going to caption this meme, you’ll have to click here to read the disturbing details. Let’s just say the beer’s amber color may not be entirely due to malt and wheat. And don’t forget, the “P” is silent.

Obama and minions laugh at spyware

In 2003 Senator Obama called the PATRIOT Act “shoddy” and promised as president he’d get rid of it. Instead, he expanded it (PRISM program, aka: SIGAD US-984XN), essentially getting rid of six of the Constitution’s Bill of Rights, and in 2011 renewed it (including Section 215, which allows them to collect your cellphone data). He told America “The US is not spying on ordinary Americans“, which not only turned out to be a lie, but a lie echoed by his CIA Director and NSA Director. So when the FBI claimed they had obtained and tested Israel’s Pegasus cellphone software but promised not to use it (after they were discovered having it) Obama and his colleagues must have had a good laugh at the FBI’s expense.

Thanks for Reading!

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