Vintage Propaganda for Today’s Truths (No. 1)

If you want go directly to the Propaganda Poster Click here

Propaganda can be very effective when trying to instruct and motivate a population to achieve your goals. Propaganda as art typically caricatures an opponent in a simple, evil manner, exaggerating their features and focusing on a potential danger they posewritten or spoken propaganda casts everything the opponent does in a negative, threatening light. Those working to stop the opponent are portrayed as patriotic, hard-working and heroic, motivated to sacrifice and work until the opponent is defeated.

Propaganda has always been with us and continues today, whether subtly included in Advertising and Marketing, revealed as electronic Censorship by Government and Social Media, or incorporated into memes, text messages, and “News” by the Liberal Press and anyone trying to advance an agenda.

And I thought: What if World War II and Cold War Propaganda posters were reimagined for today’s topics? What would they look like?

Presenting the First in a Series of
Vintage 2024 Election Season Propaganda Posters

“We’re Fighting to Prevent This!”We're Fighting to Prevent the Destruction of America!

Background: Drawn by Chester Raymond Miller and published by Kelly-Read & Co., in 1943 during the height of World War II, the original poster shows the hand of a Nazi soldier crumpling up America’s Charters of Freedom (The Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights) as they burn. My modern version replaces the German Soldier with our Constitutional Republic’s latest enemy: The Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats. (Note my version is claimed as a Derivative Work, please see my Legal Notice regarding Copyright and Use.)

Thanks for Reading!

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