Summer’s finally here, with temperature records already broken thanks to Anthropogenic Global Warming Global Warming Climate Change sunspot activity, and the 2024 Election Cycle featuring Joe Biden, America’s gravity-challenged, stumbling, bumbling, brain-addled, physically deteriorating, mispronouncing, grifting gaffe machine, and Donald J. Trump, a man too intelligent for a teleprompter, too logical to make a dumb argument, too rich be bought by outsiders, too busy to exercise, too egotistical to lose, and too patriotic to make America anything but great, is beginning to heat up as well.
This video was created back in April, 2023, and (believe it or not) I just “stumbled on it” today. Thanks to former Fox employee and Conservative political commentator Steven Blake Crowder, host of “Louder With Crowder“, and the Crowder Crew for putting this together…it’s BRILLIANT, and the perfect Summer song!
And, for those who appreciate the fun, flair, fashion, and music of the 1980′s, here’s the original, Official Video of The Bangles 1986 hit:
Enjoy the Summer, and…
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