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“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
- The Declaration of Independence, 1776
“Nothing but harmony, honesty, industry, and frugality are necessary to make us a great and happy people.”
- George Washington, first President of the United States of America
So, let’s celebrate America’s greatness with parades, shows, food, drink, and fireworks: It’s what our Founding Fathers wanted!
“We speak of the conversion of water into wine, at the wedding of Cana, as a miracle. But this conversion is done daily by the goodness of God before our eyes. This is the water that falls from the heavens on our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines to be changed into wine; constant proof that God loves us, and that he loves to see us happy.”
- Benjamin Franklin, letter to his friend André Morellet, 1779, as reported by Franklin’s grandson William Temple Franklin in 1818
“I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with [Shows], Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.
- John Adams, letter to his wife Abigail, 3 July 1776
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