
(Title: “The ‘Toast of China’, Joe Biden!”)

With all my local Chinese Buffets closed due to the COVID-19 virus (and, probably closed for good in our new “Continual Viral Threat” economy) I miss an opportunity to be seated next to the food Service Station and listen incoherently to Chinese workers chat about (I’m guessing), relationships, their one child, fashion, religion, and the really bad hairpiece on that guy in Booth 14 next to the fish tank.

So, it was entertaining to watch this new ad on Presidential Candidate Joe Biden, which provide just the right amount of Chinese, along with some food for thought:

Frankly, after fully digesting this ad, I’m starting to get a post-meal monosodium glutamate headache.

Source: This ad was produced by the “America First Action Superpac“, located in Beverly MA, who reserve rights to the content, and is provided for educational purposes only. Visit their website at https://www.a1apac.org/ for more Joe Biden ads. Neither President Trump or the Trump Campaign is involved in this ad.

Thanks for Reading (and, watching)!

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