Total number of broadcast minutes the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts devoted to the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory from Jan. 21, 2017, to Feb. 10, 2019?
- Two thousand two hundred and two. (2,202)
(or, about 3 minutes a day, every day, for 750 days.)
Total number of broadcast minutes ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts devoted to the Senate Intelligence Committee announcement on Feb. 12, 2019, that there was no Trump-Russia collusion?
- Zero (0)
Reminds me of what my Dad told me years ago: When it comes to the Press, their accusations are boldly written on the front page, but their apologies are written in small type in the back of the newspaper.
Note, in fairness, NBC did print an article about the Senate announcement.
Source: “Tim Graham: Rosenstein testifies – and suddenly mainstream media say this about Russia collusion”, By Tim Graham | Creators Syndicate, Fox News, June 8, 2020.
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