Recently, the US House of Representatives voted to pass H.R. 550, the “Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act” by a vote of 294 to 130, with 80 Republicans voting to pass the bill. The bill was introduced on January 28th, 2021 by Democrat Rep. Ann M. Kuster of New Hampshire’s 2nd District.
The bill provides $400,000,000 (that’s $400 Million) for an “immunization administration system“, defined as:
“(f) Definition.—In this section, the term ‘immunization information system’ means a confidential, population-based, computerized database that records immunization doses administered by any health care provider to persons within the geographic area covered by that database.” (my emphasis)
According to Democrat supporters of the bill this database would remind people when to get vaccinated to keep themselves up to date and also to “ensure equitable distribution of vaccines.”
In what could be a fitting twist of irony, New Hampshire currently has the highest COVID-19 infection rate in the country, despite New Hampshire’s vaccination rate being over 68% for residents over 12 years old*…but, I digress.
I suspect Uncle Sam will base their new “information system” on an existing Federal system, like Food Stamps (SNAP), Housing (HUD), Medicare, Medicaid, ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act), or maybe even one used by the FBI, or NSA to surveille you. And, of course, the database will be protected against hackers and determined “foreign actors“.
But just in case those existing government databases don’t “fit the bill“, here are some suggestions of possible databases used by other governments Washington D.C. might use as reference to keep track of those deemed “Unvaccinated“.
How about:
The database used by Southern Democrats to keep track of those deemed “Human Chattel” in the US Southern States since, say, 1619? The database used by Soviet Communists to keep track of those deemed “Threats” after the 1918 Revolution? The database used by Germany’s National Democratic Socialist Party to keep track of “Undesirables” (Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, and others deemed “enemies of the state”) during the 1930’s and 1940’s? The database used by Democrats to keep track of those deemed “Subversive” (US Citizens of Japanese decent living on the West coast) forcibly relocated to internment camps during the early 1940’s? The database used by Communist China to keep track of those deemed “Capitalists” during their Cultural Revolution of the 1960′s? The database used by Communist China to keep track of those deemed “Disloyal” and sent to “Vocational Training Centers“? The database(s) used by former Democrat Barack Hussein Obama to keep track of “Deplorables” (Conservatives, Trump Supporters, Christians, Legal Gun owners, etc.) since 2008? Of course this assumes those databases were created and still exist. Regardless, with History as a teacher I suspect the Democrats (and their RINO supporters) will do another “fine job” of “protecting” those who don’t conform, as apparently Democrats have done for decades. *The official government statistic is 61.1%, but that’s based on New Hampshire’s entire population. The percentage I’ve given is based on residents 12 years old or older. Thanks for Reading!