Trump’s only been President for about 2 weeks and already Liberals are conducting their first nationwide protest. I suspect it’s the first of many. Continue reading →
Posted in Environment, History, It's Memeory Time!, Not Surprisingly, Politics
Tagged 50501, BLM, Democrats, Dissent, Free Speech, Liberals, Memeory, Memes, OWS, Protests, Riots
There’s a lot to digest in this latest Mid-Week edition of Memeory Time… even more to digest than my Spicy Chicken Combo Meal! Enjoy! Continue reading →
Posted in Are You Kidding me?, History, I'm Laughing!, It's Memeory Time!, Media, Not Surprisingly, Politics, So Wrong!
Tagged Biden, BLM, Border Security, Disturbing, Doomsday, Fail, Humor, Layoffs, Memeory, Memes, Obama
American Airlines provides BLM lapel pins but not BLM luggage tags? They must be doing something “special”. Continue reading →
Posted in Computers, Games, History, I'm Laughing!, Medicine, Polls
Tagged Airlines, Biden, BLM, Brandon, Fail, Philosophy, Travel, Values, Wokeness
Democrats and their media called the January 6th, 2021 protest an “insurrection” but claim BLM Riots were “peaceful”. See if you agree. Continue reading →
Apparently, my pointing out the Hypocrisy of the Liberal translates to “Wokeness”. At least to one person. Continue reading →