Let’s see: I win if I get a “7″ as a symbol, but not a 7 as a number? No wonder it’s called the “Gaming Commission” – I’m getting GAMED! Continue reading →
“Wealth Redistribution” seems to be working in Connecticut… but, I can’t tell in which direction. Continue reading →
Posted in Are You Kidding me?, Politics, So Wrong!, The Economy
Tagged Budgets, CT, Democrats, Fail, Lembo, Malloy, Taxes, Unemployment, Unions
Connecticut’s ticks may provide Lyme Disease, but their biggest Flea – located in Mansfield – provided me with a day’s relaxation, and a photo. Continue reading →
If you’ve secretly suspected police departments have contests or quotas when issuing tickets, this internal email by the Connecticut State Police should confirm your suspicions. Continue reading →
Posted in Are You Kidding me?, Media, Not Surprisingly, Politics, So Wrong!
Tagged Contests, CT, Law Enforcement, Process, Quotas, Tickets, WTNH
(If you’re expecting something related to the Red Sox, you can stop reading right now) As a businessman interacting with hundreds of clients, vendors, customers, and other businesses every year, I’m positive he doesn’t remember the 5-minute conversation we had … Continue reading →