Based on information from the CDC I’ve got ALL the symptoms of COVID-19…and, also a sick sense of humor. Read the Joke of the Day. Continue reading →
Posted in Are You Kidding me?, Health, I'm Laughing!, Medicine, Sports
Tagged CDC, COVID-19, Fail, Health, Humor, Joke, Process, Science
The bride-to-be wants a white wedding dress for her fourth wedding? That’s the Joke of the Day, but don’t expect anything. Continue reading →
This Joke of the Day finds Joe Biden* taking Dr. Fauci to task after hearing bad news. Just click to Continue reading →
A joke of the day, with just a hint of freshness… Continue reading →
At breakfast this morning I asked to borrow a newspaper from another customer. ‘This is the 21st century, old man,’ he said. ‘I don’t waste my money on newspapers. Here, you can borrow my new iPad.’ After using it, I … Continue reading →