Trump took the 5th, others take a 5th to forget, and smart Democrats simply forget. Seems only the last one keeps you out of trouble. Continue reading →
Posted in Computers, History, Politics
Tagged 5th Amendment, Biden, Constitution, Hillary Clinton, Politicians, Process, Rights, Tracking, Values
Today’s “Memeory” finds Mom and Daughter having a healthy conversation about hypocrisy. Take a look. Continue reading →
Posted in Are You Kidding me?, Health, Not Surprisingly, Politics
Tagged COVID-19, Democrats, Fail, Health, Healthcare, Individual Rights, ObamaCare, Rights
If Atheists don’t believe in religion, why do religious symbols upset them so? (This question isn’t rhetorical, so Atheists feel free to respond) Continue reading →
The tragic mass shooting at Newtown, CT elementary school reminds us how precious innocent life truly is…and, results in an untimely observation. Continue reading →
Posted in Environment, Politics, So Wrong!
Tagged Abortion, Disturbing, Health, Newtown, ObamaCare, Regulations, Rights, Values, Violence, Weapons
Buddha’s not a deity in my book… but, he’s pretty smart when it comes to not doing things – even if he pre-dates “Chick-Fil-A”. Continue reading →
Posted in Computers, Politics, Ramblings, Sports, Technology, The Economy
Tagged Chick-Fil-A, Computers, Food, Freedom, Obama, Philosophy, Process, Red Sox, Religion, Rights, Sexuality, Values