The Revised “Elexicon”! (2024)

If you want to go directly to the Elexicon Click here

Well, the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle is in full swing, and it’s a contest between

• America Oldest President, Joe Biden – a career politician who loves ice cream, struggles with thoughts and words, finds gravity challenging, and is almost magnetically attracted to young girls

Important Update: Democracy Defended!
Powerful Democrats and rich Liberal Donors, ignoring 14 million people who voted for Biden in the 2024 Democrat Primaries, forced Joe Biden to withdraw from the election. They replaced him with Kamala Harris, who received less than 300 total votes in the 2020 Primaries running against Joe Biden.

Uh oh…let’s start again, shall we?

Well, the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle is in full swing, and it’s a contest between

• America current Vice President Kamala Davi Harris – a career politician who loved her adulterous boss so well he appointed her to her first two political jobs, struggles with speaking intelligently without a teleprompter, finds granting press conferences aextremely challenging, and is almost magnetically attracted to raising taxes to expand Socialism in America, and

• President Donald J. Trump – a career businessman who loves fast food, struggles with vindictive Liberals, avoids exercise like the Plague, and is almost magnetically attracted to success.

It’s It was going to be the first rematch in a presidential election since 1956, when Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower defeated Democrat Adlai Stevenson II for the second time. But now, it’s a match between the Free Market and encroaching Socialism, Alpha Male and Beta Female, Successful Businessman and Privileged Prosecutor, Equality and Equity, Greatness and “JOY!”… well, you get the idea ;-)

Of course, the Democrats don’t (ever) want to lose, so even though there were at least 21 documented cases of Voter Illegalities during the 2020 Election there’s bound to be more during the next few months, which makes it the perfect time to update the lexicon that conveniently expresses each “Voter Irregularity” using a single word.

Presenting yet another revision of my Election Lexicon…or, as I call it:

The “Elexicon”
(2024 Edition)
Click a Word to read more about it.
Word State Definition
Arenarhea GA Thousands of ballots suddenly appear from nowhere in the counting room, preferably while no official election observers are present.
Ballot-b-que WA Ballot drop boxes intentionally set on fire, destroying ballots.
Bridgelation CT Undisclosed ballots suddenly appear days after the polls close, overturning election results.
Bridgeported CT Ballots are photocopied when there aren’t enough.
Bucked PA Telling voters waiting in line line the polling place is closing early.
Clinturned PA Vote flip from GOP to Democrat right before it’s officially counted.
Cofascist MA Liberal paints swastika on Conservative candidate’s campaign sign(s).
Cuyahogtied OH Voting machines fail, causing long lines at polls.
Danvillianized IN Forged Voter registrations are submitted to meet a quota.
Denverted CO Diverting voters to less crowded polling places during periods of heavy voter turnout.
Detroitangled MI Voter getting physically stuck in a voting machine.
Doralater FL Telling early voters to come back later after they overwhelm a polling location.
Edinatended MN Leaving boxes of ballots unattended in public for a prolonged period of time. (Note: Can apply to blank or filled ballots)
Efinchency CT Allegedly using a city’s Emergency Management System improperly to get the vote out on Election Day.
Fairfaxified VA Keeping polls open hours after they’re supposed to close.
Gaminized CT Re-elected to the same office after being previously convicted of political corruption while holding that office. (See: Marionated)
Georjoke GA Justice system within a state refuses to take action of alleged voter fraud.
Gilegation VA Liberal Judge orders names purged from voter rolls to be reinstated despite being told those names were invalid. (Pronounced “Guy-lee-gay-shun”)
Hackolades NV Computer experts show voting machine(s) can be hacked but officials say it’s too late to do anything about it.
Hamiltwoed OH Multiple voters cast multiple votes.
Harvisionellised PA Incorrectly or undated provisional ballots are counted despite a court order not to.
Iawoe IA Problems created when a phone app designed to “help” with voting tabulation fails miserably.
Jupitacked FL Democrat supporter attacks Conservative supporter at a polling place.
Lawrenced MA Passing out absentee ballots and instructing people how to fill it out for your candidate.
Maloroni NY Rich Liberal Democrat telling their poor constituents how to stretch a dollar due to the repressive policies of Democrats.
Mam-hattened NY Women bare their chests to interfere with a polling place.
Mamilton NJ Women forced to remove shirt at polling place; votes wearing only a bra.
Maricanta AZ Voters forced to put ballots into a “secure box” after electronic ballot scanners suddenly fail right before the polls open.
Maricomplicate AZ The ballot is so long and confusing it slows down voting at the polling place.
Marionated GA Re-elected to public office multiple times despite multiple criminal accusations and convictions. (See: Gaminized)
Maxstake IL Mail-in ballots “suddenly” discovered after early results are announced. Named after the announcer, Max Bever.
Michadelphia MI One candidate suddenly gets tens of thousands of votes while their opponent gets none.
Nevadalater NV Voters still allowed to vote after early voting officially ends.
Oregone OR Changing a voter registration from “GOP” to “Non-Partisan”, thus denying them from voting in the GOP Primary.
Pewaukounted WI Voting machine fails to count a voter’s ballot.
Philadelphiarized PA 100% of the votes in a group of precincts “unexpectedly” go to one candidate
Philadelphide PA Number of registered voters almost identical to the total number of eligible voters.
Philatimidation PA Democrat-supporting Union members intimidating Conservative voters at the polls
Pueblopposited CO Voting machine switches your vote to the opposite candidate.
Renoheckleated NV Removing flyers promoting a Republican from front doors of homes. Named after GOP candidate Joe Heck.
San Pedropped CA Stacks of duplicate ballots discovered at the front door of your home.
Shampain IL Computer servers tabulating electronic votes come under cyber attack on Election Day.
Tangipahoadded LA Voting machines pre-loaded with votes for Democrat candidate(s) before voting officially starts.
Thorencesued WI Sued for counting paper voter ballots by hand.
Vobo-bomb MD Taking a picture/selfie of the voting booth while voting (also called: Mosbomb)

Here’s an example of the New Elexicon in use, to show just how convenient it is:

“When our polling place was Cuyahogtied, we Denverted, but began to Bridgeport as soon as we determined Lawrencing was taking place outside. In fact, the waiting line was so long and Pewaukounting so rampant that the Mayor authorized Fairfaxing. Remarkably, almost all of the polling places were Philadelphiarized: We really didn’t even need to Hamiltwo or Pueblopposite!

And, here’s another:

“We used Efinchency and then Mam-hattening some of the polling places and Lawrenced, but Pewaukounting meant we needed to Bridgeport and San Pedrop more Danvillianized ballots. Unfortunately, it was at the wrong address so we Clinturned votes and lost a close race anyway. However, in the end Arenarhea and Bridgelation came through, and thanks to Gerjoke our candidate was Gaminized.”

Have you got another word that would be right at home on this list? If so, let me know!

Thanks for reading!

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