If you’ve seen my last bunch of Memeories you already know I like it’s formal pageantry which honors the past, embodies the present, and looks optimistically towards the future.
Tomorrow the Democrats start their quadrennial Convention, taking place in Chicago, Illinois. Whether this week’s pageantry will be their Coronation of Kamala Harris as Democrat Nominee for president, or Chicago’s possible destruction at the hands of potentially thousands of activist protesters (as happened in 1968) has yet to be seen, but you can see my latest crop of Memeories right now.
You know the drill: Click on a Memeory to see a larger version in the same window….and, enjoy!
Unlike other websites who compile and publish memes created by other people in order to |
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Click any meme below to see a larger version in THE SAME window.
How someone can instantly achieve fame by telling an interviewer expectoration is required to drive an intimate partner crazy is beyond me. Maybe because I think it’s disgusting no matter where it’s done, but that’s just me. Or, perhaps jealously: Despite being a devoted Red Sox fan for years I’ve never been asked to toss out the first pitch.
Remember Obama’s presidency, when the word “Unexpectedly” was used to describe the reason for bad news about his policies? Well, looks like Google’s given us a new word to explain their bad behavior. Google’s Autocomplete misses Trump’s assassination attempt? That’s simply a “glitch”. Google’s Gemini AI software hanging the race of White people? Oops, just a “glitch”. Democrats changing the headlines of actual news stories? Yep, that’s a “glitch” too. About 92% of all online searches are done through Google, so how many other “glitches” are out there? Just like a Tootsie Roll Pop, “The world may never know.”
What’s worse? A man who campaigned from his basement to become president, whose mental acuity was questioned from Day One, and whose job was probably being done for him behind the scenes, or a woman who’s campaigning on looks and gender alone, who speaks in linguistic linguini, has a laugh able to shatter glass, and spouts Socialism with almost every breath? Personally, I think it’s the woman, and what she’s doing to Americans is “Harrisment”
Speaking of comparisons, didn’t Democrats tell us for years Trump was the dictatorial warmonger who’s hard-line foreign policy of “America First!” would start World War III? So how come Biden’s presidency gave us wars in the Ukraine and Middle East, threats by Iran and Hezbollah to destroy Israel, and America sending their best submarine, aircraft carrier, and aircraft to the Middle East? One might think the Democrats want to start World War III.
The “mostly peaceful” BLM Riots during the Summer of 2020 were particularly destructive in Minnesota, where thousands of businesses in the Twin Cities were destroyed. Governor And what did Minnesota Governor Tim Walz do? Despite requests to provide 600 National Guardsmen to stop the riots Walz waited four days as the cities burned, sending only 100 troops, while his wife “kept the windows open to smell the burning tires“. My Memeory pokes a bit of fun by wondering if Minneapolis will celebrate Tim’s pending Democrat nomination for vice president in the same way.
Is it really true as Governor Tim Walz hosted and funded Islamic Imam Asad Zaman, a man who praised Islam’s October 7th attack on Israel and supported anti-Semitic propaganda, praising the man as a “master teacher“? Yep, it’s really true (just click the links and see). Now, I understand politicians need to meet, talk to, and perhaps even fund various people and groups in order to hear their concerns and – obviously – get their support and votes, and Minneapolis has a large Muslim community. However, did Tim Walz go too far in courting a group who’s culture calls for the elimination of Jews, punishment of the “infidel” and government based on their religion? (BTW: Here’s the anti-Semitic propaganda I used to create my Memeory.)
This image comes from the 1944 Warner Brother’s cartoon “Draftee Daffy“, where Daffy spend time desperately dodging the Draft Board’s messenger’s bad news. If you’ve got some free time watch the cartoon and replace the phrases “draft board” and “little man” with “Tim Walz” – and soon you’ll also be running for the nearest exit!
What do you call it when the IRS under Vice President Kamala Harris releases a new policy to ensure taxes are paid on tips but then Kamala announces if elected president she won’t tax tips (after her opponent, former President Trump, already announced it)? Why, that’s called a “Flip-Flop”, and it appears it may be Kamala Harris’ footwear of choice during this election contest.
What do you get when Democrats urge a president to lockdown an economy, subsidize consumers people who aren’t working while demanding businesses still pay their bills? People trained to live in isolation, demand less stuff, depend on government, and the few things they do buy delivered. So no surprise market analyst firm UBS projects 45,000 retail stores will close during the next five years. Part of this may be due to an eventual transition to an online, delivery-based economy, but how much of this may have been hastened by Progressive Democrats and their Socialist policies? (I don’t know that answer, I’m still trying to solve the Tootsie Pop)
Kamala Harris has already promised to fight price-gouging on “Day One!” should she become president, which makes me wonder why she didn’t fight it during her (eventual) 1,461 days as vice president. I guess she was too busy protecting America’s borders and stopping gun violence (yes, that’s sarcasm). No matter, if she’s successful in stopping “Price-gouging” by using the tried-and-failed Socialist method of “Government-mandated Price Controls” I believe stores will look like this in the future (or, in the 1980′s for those old enough to remember the last time it failed).
Let me state for the record there’s nothing wrong with a company being a monopoly, if the company didn’t break any laws while doing and they produce a product or service everyone wants: Even Uncle Sam says that’s Ok. It’s only a problem when the company breaks the law to become a monopoly, abuses their power as a monopoly, or denies competition which would threaten it. Some believe Google, whose search engine is used in over 90% of online searches and who’s original motto was “Do no evil.” seems to be abusing their power, and are calling for Google’s monopoly to be broken up.
Ever heard of the “Golden Rule”? It’s “He who has the gold makes the rules.” It’s not just clever, is seems like the rich and powerful have controlled government for centuries. Personally, I believe contributions to political candidates should be funded by taxes collected the government, with contributions controlled by The People. Unfortunately, I’m not rich enough to figure out a system that might work
Even if this ad isn’t true wouldn’t be surprising. There are already companies who’ll provide protesters if you pay them, protesters who freely admit they were paid, and rumors of foreign countries paying protesters to deliver their message. Could be nice work if you can get it – and, actually believe in the cause you’re fighting for rather than being a mercenary.
No editorial comment needed here: It’s just another example of the “Hypocrisy of the Liberal”. In this case it looks like the Biden White House re-wrote the Past to satisfy the Future.
Those old enough to remember the 1960′s TV show about three progressive, activist cops bucking the system to bring American justice to “The Man” will appreciate this Memeory of three progressive, activist politicians trying to destroy the system by bringing Socialist justice to America. And if you’re not sure what I mean take a look at some of my previous posts.
Sometimes it’s quite obvious a government overthrow is taking place, such as America’s War for Independence or the French Revolution: They’re violent, bloody, and destructive. Sometimes it’s not so obvious, like the gradual invasion of Socialists and Communists into America’s institutions since the 1930′s. Socialism in America may be close to achieving their long-sought victory over the Free Market, Republican Government America has enjoyed since 1789, although it’s tough to tell – perhaps this list might help.
In Frank Herbert classic science fiction book “Dune”, his character Paul Muad’Dib remarked “The power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it”. Let’s hope the Government – and in particular one politica party – never has absolute control, as that would spell the end of the most important and vital Amendment of our Constitution.
Thanks for Reading!