My Gifts to you? Christmas Memeories!

Holiday Mistletoe.During the Christmas Season I like to present a list of unique or unusual gifts I really wouldn’t want to receive under my tree some of your family and friends would surely enjoy.

Unfortunately, thanks to an economic recovery that for many doesn’t feel like one there really weren’t many choices to consider (also, those Holiday lists take awhile to create; I like my excuse much better).

So, this year my gifts to you are Memeories – easier to create, with at least 80% of the uniqueness or unusualness of the gifts i didn’t list. Or, you can review all my previous “Holidays are a Time for Giving” lists.

Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!

Unlike other websites who compile and publish memes created by other people in order to drive traffic add a touch of humor to their site I create almost all the memes I publish and only occasionally publish a meme from someone else. Note: Copyright is claimed on all content I’ve created and not otherwise covered by any third party. You can copy and republish any image but you can’t sell it, can’t modify my website link or logo on the image, and must include attribution.

The Unions Stole Christmas?!?

Seems every Christmas has a Grinch, and this year it’s the Teamsters Union at 8 Amazon delivery hubs and Unionized workers at 60 Starbucks locations in at least 12 cities nationwide. In case you’re curious, some Amazon workers already make about $30 per hour (over $60,000 per year), while Amazon subcontractors make about $22 per hour (over $48,000 per year). Pay at Starbucks ranges from $15.50 to $26 per hour for retail workers, plus benefits, and Starbucks already increased workers pay for 2025 despite having a bad year. Some might already consider those nice gifts.

Trump's a Public Servant

Now we all know that Donald J. Trump, through hard work, risk-taking, and a little help from dad, is successful enough to not need his $400,000 annual presidential salary, and during his first term donated most of his $1.6 Million paycheck back to Federal Agencies (and you can to, if you click here). And it’s a gift that’ll keep on giving, as Trump ha promised to donate his salary from his second term to charities. Kudos to whoever created this meme, it wasn’t me.

It's a Xmas Movie!

I’m pretty sure the Theologians are with The Messianic Secret on this one, although some historians may beg to differ. What’s everyone can agree on is that I didn’t create this Meme.

US vs. UK Words

This Christmas Season Americans should thank America’s Founding Fathers for perhaps one of the greatest legislative gifts given by Humans to Humans: The First Amendment to the US Constitution. Unfortunately, it’s a gift only American can enjoy: In the UK a man was sentenced to 20 months in jail for making a post on Facebook stating he didn’t want his tax dollars to be spend on illegal immigrants who commit heinous crimes.

Biden Pardons 4.3M Illegals

It’s a gift by President Biden that’s simply to unbelievable to contemplate. And, based on Biden’s gifts of Executive Clemency so far, too scary to ignore.

What I find interesting is that Joe Biden, a self-confessed practicing Catholic, spared killing 37 convicted criminals, some convicted of particularly heinous crimes, while apparently supporting the killing of unborn babies up until the moment of birth.

This Wiseman has Fruitcake!

Theologians may have to explain this apparently glaring omission from the Biblical story of Christ’s birth. But, no explanation is required for cartoonist Gary Larson, whose artistic creativity was responsible for this humorous Nativity.

Mike Bangs the Gavel.

One might think GOP House Leader Mike Johnson would want to fight for a budget that would benefit his party’s president-elect and GOP supporters as much as possible. But after seeing how he handled the Continuing Resolution needed to avoid a Government shutdown due to an almost habitual inaction by Congress I wondered if he was channeling Nancy Pelosi.

It Pork for Congress!

If you’re a trivia fan, here’s a gift: The first use of the term “Pork Barrel” when taking about budgets and spending was in the 1863 book “Children of the Public“, by Edward Everett Hale. Since then the phrase has been shortened to “Pork”, and nearly every government budget has it: Spending placed or snuck into a budget to benefit one particular Congressional District or Congress member’s pet projects.

McD's Inflated Prices

I’m not sure what’s more bothersome: The younger generations complaining about how expensive stuff is or the older generations fondly reminiscing about how cheap everything was back in the day. This Memeory, comparing McDonald’s prices from 1974 and 2024, should help silence some people from each group, although the prices shown for 2024 are a bit less than my local McDonalds.

Adult Simulator Game

Trust me, this is one gift no kid wants this year, so if you bought one better take advantage of the company’s generous holiday gift return policy. My compliments to the person who created this Meme.

OSX: Delete Biden?

Some of you using Apple computers may have wished for this as a Christmas present. Rest assured if I find this option box on any of my Apple Computers I’ll let you know… right after I click “Delete”.

Have a Math-y Xmas!

Who says that Religion and Science can’t co-exist? Certainly not me! And, what’s even better is this simplification is actually mathematically correct! (And, it’s not created by me.)

Let: m = 2.5, s = 15, a = 1200, and r = 0.013 and the equation plots as follows:

It's a Xmas plot.

"Trans" Siberian Orchestra?!?

Whether this meme (not created by me, BTW) is true or not is beyond me. What I do know is while the Trans Siberian Orchestra is very popular I prefer a more classical or pops-style traditional orchestra. And, if you take a close look at the banner image at the top of this page (and, maybe do a quick search on the internet) you’ll discover why.

Uninstall Biden? YES!

If you’re still using WIndows 98 you may have already discovered this well-hidden uninstall command. Or, maybe not, as this option doesn’t exist. As for me, I’m still furiously clicking the “Delete” key on the image above, without success.

Added Bonus! A 2024 Christmas Gift Suggestion

Important Note: I am not affiliated with and make no money from item or links shown below. It’s for entertainment purposes only.

Dumpster Pencil Holder! • Dumpster Pencil Box with Flame Notepads
My Holiday Gift List of 2020 included the “Dumpster Fire Vinyl Light-up Figure“, a gift apparently so popular it sold out during Joe Biden’s “dumpster fire” economy.

For those of you who were unable to afford this during the last four years of rising prices there’s now the “Dumpster Pencil Holder with Flame Note Cards”, thanks to the Genuine Fred Store. It’s far more practical gift for those who believe texting is putting pencil to paper or appreciate the impossibility of electronically monitoring or hacking written notes. However, written notes do make adding those cute (or, annoying) emojis a little more difficult.

The dumpster is made from engineered wood, so be sure not to start an actual dumpster fire in this dumpster.

Thanks for Reading! (and, Merry Christmas to all!)

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