The Quote of the Day argues that a Republican can never be President again…but they can be an insurgent. Continue reading →
Posted in Are You Kidding me?, History, Politics, Quotes, So Wrong!
Tagged Democrats, Dictatorships, Disturbing, Elections, Presidency, Process, Republicans
Joe Biden is now the (P)resident: Is it time to change the President’s Trappings of State? Take a look! Continue reading →
Posted in History, I'm Laughing!, Not Surprisingly, Politics, Quotes
Tagged Biden, Dissent, Hail to the Chief, Lyrics, Politicians, Presidency, Process, Socialism, Song, Values
“President Joe Biden”? Not yet, at least not according to the US Constitution’s “Schedule of Events”. Continue reading →
Posted in History, Not Surprisingly, Politics
Tagged Biden, Bureacracy, Constitution, Democrats, Elections, Politicians, Presidency, Process, Republicans, Trump
An editorial cartoon on an imagined consequence of sequestration, deficit spending, border control, welfare expansion, and healthcare. Enjoy! Continue reading →