Quote of the Day: The Future of the “Liberal World Order”

“What do you say to those families that say, ‘listen, we can’t afford to pay $4.85 a gallon for months, if not years, this is just not sustainable’?”
- CNN, to Joe Biden Advisor Brian Deese, June 30, 2022

“This is about the future of the Liberal World Order and we have to stand firm.”
- Brian Deese, former Senior Economic Policy Analyst at the Center for American Progress, former National Economic Council, and currently Sr. Advisor to Joe Biden

What is the “Liberal International World Order”?

“…the democratic countries set out to create an international system that was liberal in the sense that it was to be based on the rule of law and respect for countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity. Human rights were to be protected. All this was to be applied to the entire planet; at the same time, participation was open to all and voluntary. Institutions were built to promote peace (the United Nations), economic development (the World Bank) and trade and investment (the International Monetary Fund and what years later became the World Trade Organization).”
- “Liberal World Order, R.I.P.“, by Richard Haass, March 21, 2018

Here’s how the Council on Foreign Relations explains it:

So, my fellow Americans, don’t look at record inflation, rising prices, less consumer products, higher taxes, record gasoline and heating oil costs, an increasing national deficit, less savings for you, and wide open borders as just a “sacrifice”: Look at it as a sacrifice which helps transform The United States of America into a country governed by the United Nations, ruled by an International Court of Law, and whose health is overseen by the World Health Organization.

While Joe Biden happily described how the “World’s Democracies” came together to provide “…an era of expanded liberty, unprecedented economic growth that lifted millions out of poverty…” the fact of the matter is it was the United States of America who gave the world the best system of government ever devised by Man, saved Europe during World War I, rebuilt the world after World War II, ended the Soviet Cold War threat, landed men on the Moon, promoted Free Market Economics, and who continues to act as a beacon of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”.

America has been the world’s best country for individual freedom, opportunity and success for over 240 years.

It’s just that simple.

Thanks for Reading!

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