A Lesson from Joe Biden: America is “Doomed” by 2040

Back on Dec. 8, 2020, after being (s)elected president, Joe Biden and vice-president elect Kamala Harris had a private video meeting with prominent Civil Rights leaders who are black to discuss a number of topics.

Near the end of the hour-and-a-half meeting he said this:

For those who like to read rather than watch, here’s what he said:

“…my overarching objective [is] if we cannot make significant progress on racial equity, this country is doomed.

It is doomed not just because of African Americans but because by 2040, this country is going to be minority White European.

Hear me – minority White European.

And you guys are going to have to start working more with Hispanics, who make up a larger portion of population than y’all do, in terms of raw numbers. We’re going to have to be working with a whole group of people that are in fact are the single most diverse democracy in American history and anywhere in the world. And we’ve got to figure out how to unify this country. And you’ve been the leaders of being able to do that, not a joke.

And so there are some things that I’m going to be able to do by Executive Order, and I’m not going to hesitate to do it.”

After carefully looking at the video, and reading exactly what Joe Biden told his audience, consider these questions:

  • Is Biden sexist for using the phrase “you guys” during a meeting which included women?

  • Is Biden racist for saying “y’all” to people of color? (Biden, a White man, was born in Scranton Pennsylvania and has lived in Delaware for over 70 years)

  • Is Biden “Woke” by saying he supports “Equity” (designed to ensure equal OUTCOMES for certain groups by punishing other groups based on their race, color, creed, sexual orientation, income, or wealth) instead of “Equality” (designed by our Founding Fathers to ensure equal rights and opportunities for everyone)?

  • Is Biden exclusionary by using the words “we”, “we’re”, “you” and “you’re” because he might be referring to only him and his black audience, instead of “America” or “all Americans”?

  • When Biden says “a whole group of people” are “the single most diverse democracy in American history” is Biden only talking about the Hispanic community? A community Liberal Democrats have been allowing to grow illegally in this country since at least 1965, and has grown in record numbers since Biden became (p)Resident?

  • Is Biden unaware when he says “a diverse Democracy”? After spending 56 years in political office he must know America is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. Right?

  • What does Biden mean when he says “unify this country”? Does he only mean unifying blacks and Hispanics, as he’s already said European Whites would be the minority by 2040?

  • Is Biden a Dictator? A country whose leader rules by fiat is a Dictatorship, not a Democracy. During his first month as (p)Resident Joe Biden issued 29 Executive Orders, second only to fellow Socialist Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt who signed 30 back in 1932, with many of Biden’s Orders making sweeping changes to America.

  • And, finally, does Joe Biden believe America will be doomed because of what African Americans are doing or because White European Christians – who founded America, created the best system of government ever known to man, and built the most inclusive, successful country in world history – are soon to become the minority?

As a lawyer I’ve worked with like to remark “Words have meaning.” What do you think Biden meant by his words?

Thanks for Reading!

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