Odds are it’s March Memeory Madness Time!

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Memes are importanter!Well, Spring will be sprung on March 20th, and so will the madness of March collegiate basketball. If you’re the wagering sort the odds of correctly selecting every team who will win and advance during that competition is 1 in 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (that’s 1 in 9.2 Quintillion) – it’s a task even a president fails miserably at.

Odds are if you’re reading this there’s a good chance you’ll be laughing at one of my latest Memeories. But don’t take my word for it, I’m fairly bad at choosing winners myself.

Enjoy! (and, good luck ;-) )

Unlike other websites who compile and publish memes created by other people in order to drive traffic add a touch of humor to their site I create almost all the memes I publish and only occasionally publish a meme from someone else. Note: Copyright is claimed on all content I’ve created and not otherwise covered by any third party. You can copy and republish any image but you can’t sell it, can’t modify my website link or logo on the image, and must include attribution.

Click any meme below to see a larger version in THE SAME window.

AOC ponders about soup on Tuesday.

March 5th is Super Tuesday, the day when voters in 16 States and 1 Territory cast their vote to determine who each party’s candidate will be in November’s 2024 Presidential Election. It’s a big day and of course Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will have something to say… right after she done pondering life’s big questions.

How to Judge character? Friends.

Despite lots of ways to determine a person’s true character (here’s a list of 29 ways) they’ll be some people who are experts at hiding it, especially their bad character. In cases like this take a look at their friends (unless all their friends are also experts at hiding their bad characters, in which case you’ve got a much bigger problem). Kudos to the person who created this meme.

Cat Delivery Packaging

People who know me know I prefer dogs (obedient, loyal, laid-back, protective, forgiving, and loving), over cats (independent, opportunistic, paranoid, selfish, demanding, and occasionally affectionate). However, that doesn’t mean my Memeories can’t include cats, especially when I can pick on their quirky traits – including cramming themselves into just about any confined space they can find. To all cat lovers, “You’re welcome!”.

NOTE! DO NOT dial the phone number unless you want to contact the Washburn Institute of Technology in Topeka, KS.

Let them eat Breakfast!
Snap, Crackle, Pop, Insensitive!

It’s a topic of breakfast conversation so insensitive it required two Memeories: One for your morning breakfast and one for your evening breakfast. Or, if you’re rich enough to fly First Class out of London at 5 AM local time you can enjoy a sumptuous breakfast and then enjoy another sumptuous breakfast six hours later right before you land in New York at 7:30 AM local time. I’m guessing Mr. Pilnick’s expense account might cover that, and of course I wrote “profit-hungry” as a clever play on words.

Did you know? Based on clock time New York’s LaGuardia (LGA) Airport is 5 hours behind London’s Heathrow Airport, but it takes about 7.5 hours of actual time to fly from London to New York. After you land although your mind thinks you’ve gained 5 hours your body knows better.

Interesting Fact: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese first appeared in 1937 at 19 cents per box (about $4.00/box today) and became immensely popular during World War II when food was rationed: People discovered they could get two boxes of Macaroni & Cheese for only 1 Ration Coupon, and it was easier to find than cheese (which was rationed) and tastier than potatoes (which were not rationed).

Liberals are Worse, Change My Mind!

Many Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats are experts at “Situational Ethics“, more commonly referred to as “Double Standards” or what some (including me) refer to as “The Hypocrisy of Liberals“. Should you encounter such a Liberal simply have them ponder upon this meme, and laugh quietly to yourself as they accuse you of practicing “Whataboutism” (more commonly referred to as “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”)

Brian Spins the Wheel of Situational Ethics!

Did you need to show that last Memeory to a Progressive Liberal? I’ll bet you’re sorry now, especially if you start to argue with them. It’s an argument you’ll never win because a Progressive Liberal’s fear of being outed as a Hypocrite, Idiot, or Hopeless Idealist will cause them to change the subject at the moment they’re about to lose. And this meme imagines how they might select their new subject.

The Situational Wheel of Ethics!I didn’t create this meme, instead I took it to a higher level by creating “The Situational Wheel of Ethics“: Now Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, and ordinary Left-of-Center Democrats who are about to lose a factual, well-considered, logical argument to a Conservative can avoid embarrassment by spinning the wheel! No need to worry about how to change the subject when the Wheel will do it for you! Click the image and try it out!

Do YOU have Typoglycemia?

If you’re having trouble reading this meme don’t worry: When the first and last letters of a word are correct but middle portion is jumbled your brain takes about 11% longer to figure it out. Or, stated another way: Wehn the frsit and lsat lteetrs of a wrod are croerct but mdidle poiortn is jumebld your bairn tkaes aoubt 11% loengr to fgriue it out. Scientists even have a name for this: Typoglycemia. Should you wish to check if you or your friends are typoglycemic take a look at the Typoglycemia Generator.

He'll self-identify as a Lesbian!

I’ve got that feeling I’m already in trouble for misusing, abusing, or ignoring Gender Pronouns so it’s too late to stop now (especially when humor’s at stake). Truth be told I’ve actually posed this question to attractive Liberal women females child-bearing people child-growing units who I’d like to know better (wink wink, nudge nudge), some of whom are non-Heterosexual. Most of the time they laugh it off, and for those few who claim I’m disrespecting their gender self-identification (while they’re disrespecting mine) I laugh it off as “The Hypocrisy of the Liberal“.

AOC ponders pandering.

Speaking of “Typoglycemic” I’m guessing it could be one of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ three greatest skills (along with Bartending and her outgoing personalitywink wink, nudge nudge). When it comes to pandas Alexandria has every right to be concerned, as only 7 Giant Pandas currently reside in the USA. She need not worry about Biden pandering to the Chinese: China already has 1,864 Giant Pandas, they certainly don’t need any more.

Trump Brags, Biden Harms

Anyone remember how Liberal Democrats and their Complicit Media screamed at the sky when Donald J. Trump made his sensational “5th Avenue shooting” boast back in 2016? His statement was hyperbole – an exaggeration designed to attract attention and not to be taken literally. On the other hand, Joe Biden’s failure to secure America’s borders has now resulted in a group of illegal aliens – some of whom are gang members – assaulting police officers outside a homeless shelter near Times Square, NY, being released without bail, and fleeing to California using bus tickets they were given by a church charity using phony names. (Times Square is about a 10 minute walk from 5th Avenue’s Bryant Park)
Unlike Trump’s exaggerated statement, Biden’s policies have caused an increase in actual, violent crimes by illegal aliens a fact which should receive more attention.

Did you know? Venezuela’s crime rate has dropped to a 22-year low as criminals flee the Socialist country and illegally enter the USA, perhaps to commit more crime. Some suggest Venezuela is deliberately releasing their violent criminals, who then illegally enter the United States, while refusing to allow planes from the USA carrying captured illegal aliens from Venezuela to land.

Doctor: It'll only hurt FOREVER.

Here’s a piece of economic advice everyone should memorize:

Inflation is temporary but the cost of inflation is permanent.

Inflation is how much the price of something increased compared to its’ price last year, expressed as a percentage. For example, a box of Great Value Frosted Wheat Cereal priced at $1.52 in 2018 now costs $2.82 in 2024, an increase of 85% over 5 years. If inflation alone caused that price increase it would represent an inflation rate of 13.5% every year. When inflation goes down the price doesn’t go down, it simply increases at a smaller rate. Only when the inflation rate is negative – which has happened only once since 1960 (or maybe twice) – will the price go down. Of course inflation is not the only way to increase or decrease prices: Supply and Demand, the Money Supply, Competition, Productivity, Interest Rates, Consumer Confidence, etc. all contribute. But inflation always means higher, permanent prices.

Fun Fact! The average length of a human colon is 65 inches (or, about 5 1/2 feet). Now take another look at my Memeory for a bigger laugh.

Biden's Award for Spelling "Dementia"

Joe Biden, America’s Oldest President, recently passed his physical exam where his doctor once again pronounced him “fit for duty“. Apparently Biden’s so fit he didn’t even take a Cognitive Assessment Test to check if he might have dementia despite the fact a year-long investigation concluded Joe was a “sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory” and “someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt”. Congratulations, Joe, and please accept this Certificate of Accomplishment!

Thanks for Reading!

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